Dag Heward-Mills
3 min readSep 1, 2021

As you drive into the prestigious Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Centre, one of the largest Bible Schools in Africa, there is no denying that there is a shift in the spiritual atmosphere. Not far from the very entrance is situated the 100% Answered Prayer Gardens, and this fact may well be a main reason for that sense of a different aura.

A broad flight of steps leads to the entrance of the gardens, where the comfortable Wise As Serpents lodging is also found, as if to eliminate excuses for a short stay.

Past the sign that promises what individuals, Bible students, couples, families, church groups and the like come from far and near to seek — 100% Answered Prayer — the lush garden stretches out before you in its hilly, serene glory, punctuated with palava huts, cement benches and rustic stone paths that snake their way through the well-tended grass and flourishing trees.

Near the far-right corner, against all the green, a pristine, white wedding chapel sits prettily atop terrazzo steps, broadening the capacity in which the Gardens serves its visitors.

Early in the mornings, the twilight birdsong is accompanied by the rhythmic sweeping of the Bible students on duty for maintaining the grounds of this spiritual haven — cleanliness, they say, is next to godliness.

Day or night, storm or sunshine, you will hear them, hungry hearts from all tribes and tongue crying out to God, loving Him, seeking Him, and laboring in prayer, accompanied by preaching or music playing in the background.

In this latter-age Eden, what should be cacophony blends together harmoniously with the rustle of trees, the trickle of a tastefully constructed mini-waterfall at the east end, and the near regular pitter-patter or roaring torrent of tropical rain.

It is here, right here in these gardens, beautifully designed by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, mighty testimonies of breakthroughs, divine healing, salvation and divine escapes are birthed!

A place of deep fellowship and communion with God, a place just like Eden!

Originally published at https://udnews.org on September 1, 2021.



Dag Heward-Mills

Dag Heward-Mills, an African Healing Evangelist is the founder and general overseer of the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Church.